Serve. Inspire. Transform.

The Project Pengyou: WKU Chapter seeks to empower and mobilize a rising generation of U.S.-China bridge-builders to serve, inspire and transform lives.

Our leadership team’s shared purpose is to collaborate with existing institutions, organizations, and resources on Western Kentucky University’s campus to create a respecting, nurturing and safe environment in which to facilitate open dialogue concerning China and America relations.

By implementing social, linguistic, cultural and political-focused programming relating to both U.S. and China, The WKU Chapter aims to break down the barriers of ignorance and misunderstanding, ridding our campus and community of the xenophobia that stifles the growth of tolerance and understanding.

Serve. Inspire. Transform.

Project朋友: 西肯塔基大学的分会致力于集合并促生新一代的“中美桥梁”建造者;我们在一起服务、启发并转化生活。

