Aaron Kirtland
I'm a PhD student in applied math at Brown University interested in sequential decision making and cognitively-inspired AI.
I am supported by an NSF-GRFP award.
I graduated in 2021 from Washington University in St. Louis, and then I thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and studied in Taiwan on a gap year.
Send me an email or leave me a message if you would like to chat!
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Mitigating Partial Observability in Sequential Decision Processes via the Lambda Discrepancy
Cameron Allen*, Aaron Kirtland*, Ruo Yu Tao*, Sam Lobel, Daniel Scott, Nicholas Petrocelli, Omer Gottesman, Ronald Parr, Michael L. Littman, George Konidaris
NeurIPS, RLC Finding the Frame workshop, and ICML FoRLaC workshop, 2024
An Unstructured Mesh Approach to Nonlinear Noise Reduction for Coupled Systems
Aaron Kirtland, Jonah Botvinick-Greenhouse, Marianne DeBrito, Megan Osborne, Casey Johnson, Robert S. Martin, Samuel J. Araki, Daniel Q. Eckhardt
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2023
The polynomial learning with errors problem and the smearing condition
Liljana Babinkostova*, Ariana Chin*, Aaron Kirtland*, Vladyslav Nazarchuk*, Esther Plotnick*
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 2022
The Ring Learning with Errors Problem: Spectral Distortion
Liljana Babinkostova*, Ariana Chin*, Aaron Kirtland*, Vladyslav Nazarchuk*, Esther Plotnick*
Accepted with minor revisions to Involve, A Journal of Mathematics, 2022
Preparing cuprous oxide nanomaterials by electrochemical method for non-enzymatic glucose biosensor
Thu-Thuy Nguyen, Bui The Huy, Seo-Young Hwang, Nguyen Minh Vuong, Quoc-Thai Pham, Nguyen Ngoc Nghia, Aaron Kirtland, and Yong-Ill Lee
Nanotechnology, 2018